Course Curriculum

Course Curriculum
Photo by Gabrielle Henderson / Unsplash

Backend Curriculum

Backend Curriculum
Week 1 1. Introduction to backend development 2. Introduction to Javascript * Javascript Basics (Variables & Scopes) * Data Types (string, number, boolean, undefined, null, symbol, bigInt, array, object) * Primitive & Reference Types Week 2 1. Javascript Continued * Co…

Frontend Curriculum

Frontend Curriculum
Week 1 * Web development fundamentals * HTML Basics and CSS basics * Building layouts * Typography * Images * Forms Week 2 * Clean CSS, How about that? * SASS and TailwindCSS * Project: Styled blog website Week 3 * Intro to started with JavaScript * JavaScript basics * Operators in…

Product Management Curriculum

Product Management - PM1
Associate Product Manager (PM-1) Timeline - 3 Months (12 Weeks) Learning Pattern: Virtual Objectives:This is a comprehensive project management curriculum for the Associate Product Manager (PM-1)/Entry level role. This is meant to be a reference tool, not a checklist. Each item will not be relevant…

UI/UX Curriculum

UI/UX Curriculum
Week 1 1. Learn Design Principles * Contrast * Balance * Emphasis * Proportion * Hierarchy * Repetition * Rhythm * Pattern * White Space * Movement * Variety * Unity 2. Learn Design Thinking * Empathize * Def…

Javascript Curriculum

Javascript Tutorial
Starting out with Javascript ? Here’s one of the best resource we can recommend from Happy Coding! JavaScript TutorialJavaScript Tutorial provides you with many practical tutorials that help you learn JavaScript from scratch quickly and effectively.JavaScript Tutorial

Python Curriculum

Python for starters - Python For Starters