8 Weeks Frontend Roadmap

A front-end engineer is a software engineer who focuses on the user interface. If you're looking for a tech job that combines coding and creativity, becoming a front-end engineer could be a good fit.

8 Weeks Frontend Roadmap
Photo by Jefferson Santos / Unsplash

Week 1

Web Development Fundamentals

  • HTML & CSS Basics
  • Building Layouts

Typography, Images & Forms

  • Working with Typography
  • Working with Images
  • Working with Forms

Week 2

Writing Clean CSS

  • CSS Best Practices
  • CSS Folder Structure Patterns

Learn Tailwind CSS

  • Create a styled blog website

Week 3

Introduction to JavaScript

  • Javascript Basics
  • Working with Variables
  • Operators in JavaScript

Control-flow & Conditionals in Javascript

  • Switch Statement
  • While Statement
  • Do-while Statement
  • For Loop Statement
  • If Statement
  • If-else Statement
  • If-else-if-else Statement

Week 4

JavaScript Objects, Arrays & Functions

  • JavaScript Objects
  • JavaScript Arrays
  • JavaScript Functions
  • ES6 Classes

JavaScript Objects, Arrays & Functions

  • ES6 Tooling
  • Interacting with the DOM
  • Regular Expressions

Week 5

Array Methods & Asynchronous Javascript

  • Using Array Methods on the DOM
  • Asynchronous JavaScript

Working with Local Storage & Firebase

  • Working with Local Storage on the Browser
  • Working with Firebase

Week 6

Vue and Vue3

  • Introduction to Vue3
  • Working with the Options API
  • Working with the Composition API
  • Vue Setup Function
  • Vue Ref and Reactive Syntax

Vue Methods, Computed Functions, Props, Watchers

  • Vue Methods
  • Vue Computed Functions
  • Vue Watchers
  • Vue Props

Week 7

Vue3 Continued

  • Working with Provide-Inject
  • Modularising - Composition functions
  • Lifecycle hooks in the composition API

Week 8

Vue State Management

  • Working with Vuex
  • Working with Piana