8 Weeks Backend Roadmap

A backend engineer is responsible for designing, building, and maintaining the server-side of web applications.

8 Weeks Backend Roadmap
Photo by Desola Lanre-Ologun / Unsplash

Week 1

Introduction to backend development

  • What is Backend Engineering
  • Who is a Backend Engineer
  • Getting Started & Setting Up Development Environment

Introduction to Javascript

  • Javascript Basics (Variables & Scopes)
  • Data Types (string, number, boolean, undefined, null, symbol, bigInt, array, object)
  • Primitive & Reference Types

Week 2

Javascript Continued

  • Control flow statements
  • Conditional Statements
  • Functions & Types
  • Object-oriented Javascript
  • Javascript Promises

Week 3

Installing and exploring Nodejs

  • File Systems & Comandline args
  • Introduction to packages (NPM)
  • Introduction to web servers
  • Debugging in nodejs

Week 4

Introduction to Rest APIs

  • Working with postman (GET, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, POST) HTTP Verbs.
  • Introduction to Databases (Mongodb)

Week 5

Crud Operation using mongo & mongoose

  • Asynchronous Nodejs
  • API Authentication & Security

Week 6

Sorting, pagination and filtering

  • Setting up sorting, pagination and filtering using ExpressJS Framework

Week 7

Working with File Uploads, Sending Email & SMS

  • File upload using multer
  • Sending emails & SMS (Sendgrid, Mailgun & Africa's Talking API's & SDKs)

Week 8

Introduction to Digital Ocean

  • Cloud deployment II (Digital Ocean)