About Top Universe

About Top Universe
Top Universe is a community platform providing free, high-quality technical training through diverse channels to scale digital education to millions in Africa and beyond.

We are creating an end-to-end learning network for the future of work. This means our cohort & platform graduates are work ready either as interns, entry level or mid-level engineers, designers, or project managers.

Via our cohort program, we are promoting lifelong micro-learning among African youths & our team remains committed to providing these digital training sessions using diverse channels & methods at no cost to the learner.

Our commitments are as follows:

  • Continued creation of relevant micro-learning courses.
  • Our students learn by re-engineering from the outcome & experience of professional mentors.
  • Project-based learning.
  • Mentoring & coaching must be carried out by senior & seasoned professionals
  • Create live workshop sessions to help reinforce their learning
  • We will build platforms & forums to avoid jumping from one training to another without getting viable results.

We are also enhancing our learning forum activities by creating:

  • Group/Team based Learning
  • Book Clubs
  • Games
  • Weekly Events

Sure we have big dreams, but this idea can only be actualised with the help & support of the community. Therefore, we are inviting you to join us and make this dream a reality.